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nineteen hundred中文是什么意思

用"nineteen hundred"造句"nineteen hundred"怎么读"nineteen hundred" in a sentence


  • 一九


  • By nineteen hundred , memphis was the world ' s largest market for cotton and wood products
  • In the early nineteen hundreds , the new york times newspaper owned a building in the times square area
  • Was it not proved nineteen hundred years ago - if i may trespass upon your domain a little
  • He deducted , however , from passepartout s share the cost of the gas which had burned in his room for nineteen hundred and twenty hours , for the sake of regularity
  • The first scientists to really take an in depth look at black holes and the collapsing of stars , were a professor , robert oppenheimer and his student hartland snyder , in the early nineteen hundreds
  • I will bet twenty thousand pounds against anyone who wishes , that i will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less ; in nineteen hundred and twenty hours , or a hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred minutes
  • He who himself begot , middler the holy ghost , and himself sent himself , agenbuyer , between himself and others , who , put upon by his fiends , stripped and whipped , was nailed like bat to barndoor , starved on crosstree , who let him bury , stood up , harrowed hell , fared into heaven and there these nineteen hundred years sitteth on the right hand of his own self but yet shall come in the latter day to doom the quick and dead when all the quick shall be dead already
    他,自我诞生之神,以圣灵为媒介,自己委派自己为赎罪者,来到自己和旁人之间,他受仇敌欺骗,被剥光衣服,遭到鞭笞,被钉在十字架上饿死,宛若蝙蝠钉于谷仓门上,听任自己被埋葬,重新站起,征服了地狱, 265升入天堂。一千九百年来,坐于自己的实体之右。当生者全部死亡之日,将从彼而来,审判生死者。
用"nineteen hundred"造句  
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